Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mysterious Hawaii

The book club's current selection is Murder Casts a Shadow by Victoria Kneubuhl which is published by University of Hawaii Press. It is set in 1930's Honolulu and is an enjoyable tale of another time and place.

It is somewhat similar to Earl Derr Biggers' book The House Without a Key which is newly reissued by Academy Chicago Publishers.

Kneubuhl's book makes one recall the writings of the poet/actor/author Don Blanding. Step-sister Melissa sent along two books by Blanding as a birthday present last year. They came from her late father's library in Sarasota, Florida.

Paradise Loot is autographed by Blanding (and has illustrations by John Kelly) and the other, Vagabond's House is a first edition.

Blanding dedicates Vagabond's House to:

". . . the restless ones
to all the gallant frantic fools
who follow the path of the sun
across blue waters
to distant mountains . . ."

Pick up a copy of any or all of these books. All are available in paperback.

Experience the days of pre-statehood Hawaii.