Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Night Guardian

During our first summer living in Lanikai (2006) we hired a local landscape crew to trim and clean up our overgrown upper terrace garden. After their work was completed I noticed that someone had placed a small rock upon another rock. After a few days it seemed to resemble Blessed Damien of Molokai.

His eyes gaze towards the heavens. His cape drapes his shoulders.

Story of Damien

Blessed Damien was the Roman Catholic priest from Belgium who ministered to people afflicted with Hansen's disease (leprosy) on the island of Molokai. He will become Saint Damien this October.

His life touched the poor and the powerful. Fans of Damien included the author Robert Louis Stevenson who spent 8 days visiting Molokai in 1890. Another admirer was Mahatma Gandhi who was inspired by Damien's deeds, altruism and spiritual heroism. Today the Damien Clinic in Shantinagar, India treats patients with Hansen's disease.

His story has been turned into a play and a movie. Various books have been written about him including Holy Man: Father Damien of Molokai by Gavan Daws.

At the State of Hawaii's Capitol Building there is a modern style bronze statue of Damien by Marisol Escobar, a student of Hans Hofmann.

Our "Damien" was created from pohaku (stacked stones). Pohaku are not inanimate objects. Certain stones are sacred, some are used in healing and others serve as guardians. Our pohaku appears to be sacred in many ways.